"...Hmmm... I don't knooow.... Do you honestly believe you've earned it?"
Peter tapped his chin in thought. "I... I'm not sure. I... I've certainly tried to." He squirmed nervously.
Her lips slid into place, now a twisted version of a smile.
"Come here." She beckoned him with her finger. As he approached, she shifted her hand to point her index finger to the floor. Clearly understanding the meaning behind the gesture, he knelt at her feet.
She cupped his chin with her hand, the woman's long nails touching his skin.
Her eyes sparkled as she fixed her gaze on his. It bore into Peter's soul. It felt unlike anything he had ever experienced.
She moved her fingers, placing them in a semi-circle around his face: one finger above his eyes, one on each cheek, and one in the center of his forehead.
"Fall into my Power's embrace,
Empty mind with an empty face
Clear and nothing, vacant, too.
You are nobody; there is no you."
And with that, the man's name... It was just... Erased. Deleted. His past was... What past? This being barely existed. Its purpose was...
It turned its body to Mistress's voice. It awaited its purpose.
"Look into the mirror, slave. See your body. Every facial feature. Each detail. Gone. Empty. A void."
The being approached the nearby mirror. Sure enough, it was a beautifully hollow creature.
It felt joy.
The Wall