
Covert Hypnosis from hypno_stage's blog


This is for your own protection. I would strongly suggest that you pay close attention to what I have to say, so that you will understand the potential effects of being hypnotized. I will send you more information if you ask.>>

I have had this work way deep in my computer for sometime and I decided that now was the time to come forward with it. I have had it somewhat edited so that it becomes easy to read. Life is lived guarded, closed and safe but we need for this to be completely open and revealed. Thank you for reading closely.>>

In this work I plan to teach you of your vulnerabilities to hypnosis, what occurs while you are in trance and how to know if you are being taken advantage of. >>

If there is one document to read this year about the fetish you are involved with then this is that document. Please don’t forget as life leads us to, but remember, re-read as necessary.>>

The online hypnosis community recently has been overrun with hypnotic Dominants, some good and some bad. The competition is stiff and everyday new alliances have been formed and old ones broken all to gain control of your mind.>>

The way to tell a good hypnotic Dominant is to simply check the track record and see how long that Dominant has been in service. Ask around and see what kind of problems others might and might not have had.>>

However, it is really not the Dominants that you should be concerned about. There is an ongoing new type of hypnotic Dominant out there that for a lack of better terms we can call this Dominant a predator. This Dominant will not have a website and will not be very well known. Chances are that this Dominant will come to you offering free immediate hypnosis and will play on your need as a submissive, sexual being.>>

He will try to hypnotize you either in voice or in text and come to you with open arms. Be aware that these Dominants have only one thing in mind for you, to gain access to your mind and toy with you or steal from you, or destroy your life. Some are wonderful and healthy and helpful, read more closely to have the truth shown you.>>

You will find that they are very good at what they do and have a tendency to make you feel relaxed as you read their text. They have come to you with open arms revealing they want to help you and of course they cater to your need to be slowly hypnotized.>>

This is a common trick causing new and old subs to relax and give in as they read what is in either the E-mail or in the IM. Don’t trust them, as I am the only one who is willing to tell you the truth.>>


The truth that you are being hypnotized, comes from the experience you feel when in contact with hypnosis. Usually if you feel you are being hypnotized like this, you already are. However it is usually the after effects that you will notice that are the symptoms of the hypnotic trance. >>

Some symptoms are daydreaming and a feeling of detachment. This is similar to reading a paragraph in a book and not remembering what you just read. These cunning hypnotists are very, very intelligent, and will place suggestions in your mind so quickly from reading their bodies of text, that you will not even realize that you have been hypnotized. >>

They play on the fact that you daydream so easily in the need of being controlled, that remembering these suggestions while feeling warm and relaxed will not be noticed by your conscious mind.>>

You will find that you are becoming heavy and relaxed and that as you read the words, they will begin to make you feel nice and calm, this is also a sign that something is happening to you and you take caution. Read closely.>>

Other symptoms of a deep, calm, relaxed state are the feeling of heaviness throughout your entire body. Most hypnotists will have your feet and legs relaxed, warm and heavy before you can even realized what is happening and this will cause you to go deeper into trance. Beware once you feel hot syrup or honey poured over your shoulders and arms and down your back to your thighs, and your muscles relax, the deep pleasant release of energy will barely set off alarms and you could be deeply relaxed and hypnotized, so read closely.>>

The bare realization that an attempt is being made to hypnotize you, will draw you in deeper and deeper into the trance. Your caution and rudimentary intelligence see what may have happened but your natural need as a sexual submissive being becomes deeply enticed even further. You will find that reading the text of one of these hypnotists; make you feel euphoric and nice all over. Usually it is hard to resist at this point and your ability to resist diminishes completely, just based on the fact that you want to be hypnotized. Read Closely.>>

Another symptom that you are being hypnotized is the relaxation of your stomach muscles and chest muscles. Your stomach and chest might begin to feel heavy and you’re your breathing becomes calm and deep. This deep relaxation that floods from your chest all the way down to your feet is a definite sign that you are much focused on the words you are reading from one of these hypnotists. At this point you begin to ready slowly and softly as your subconscious mind savors every word. >>

They might tell you sit very still and continue to relax and read and allow the words to go deeply into your mind. Another unstoppable strategy is when they tell you that your arms are becoming very heavy and that you don’t want to move them. Be aware of how your fingertips might begin to tingle. This is also another sign that you are responding well to the suggestions that the hypnotist is giving you. It can take all your energy to proceed in the reading and obeying. When this occurs it is your need to understand what you read very carefully.>>

Usually at this point the warm relaxed subject, who is reading the words and allowing them to flow so deeply into the subconscious mind, will respond to everything they read, as he or she believes that what they are reading is becoming their thoughts and ideas and they are accepted fully into the mind. t="on">lace wt="on">Readinglace> carefully with caution furthers the hypnotist’s desires naturally to sexual submissive beings so please, you must read them carefully with caution.>>

The realization that you have now become so relaxed helps you to understand that something is being done to you and that you don’t want to stop reading the words. t="on">lace wt="on">Readinglace> and allowing the words to go deeply into your mind, becomes a goal at this point and a very simple goal at that. So simple that you don’t even think about it, just allowing it to happen is all it takes now, so pleasing, you must read them carefully with caution.>>


One of the many ways these hypnotists weave their dark natural spell is to deepen you and soften you in a variety of ways. Any one or a combination of these ways will achieve the same soft result; deepened you to a very warm, heavy relaxed state of trance, so read closely.>>

One method is called the count down method. Using numbers to identify the depth of a trance is a very powerful and potent means of inducing hypnosis. >>

The method will usually start at the number ten and then a count down all the way to one will occur. Once the subject finds yourself at the number one the subject will feel more relaxed than ever before your life. This warm relaxed feeling will allow the hypnotist to gain even more control and other deepening methods can be done and there is no escape.>>

Read closely, Carefully understand; The count down method looks like this:>>

10. Feeling warm and relaxed as you read my words.>>

9. Heavy and sleepy allowing all those muscles to relax.>>

8. More comfortable and more relaxed.>>

7. Letting go as you fall deeper and become softer than ever before.>>

6. A heavy warmth flowing through your body as you relax deeper and>>

deeper to sleep. Deep soothing sleep.>>

5. Floating away on the soft words you read, each breath takes you deeper and deeper than before. (At this point the subject is very deep and still has five more numbers to go. The soft subject will be deeper into trance than ever before with the last number.) >>

4. Allowing your mind to quiet now as you read the last numbers. This quiet naturally compels the subject to focus more open and revealed than before.>>

3. Each breath taking you deeper and deeper in warm deep sleep.>>

2. Deeper than ever before with the last number, knowing with caution what reading that last number will completely do.>>

1. Deep sleep, so deep and so very relaxed.>>

The subject will find then a situation where you are deep in trance, kind of like almost asleep and not really asleep. They will be able to read the words and they will flow into the mind and relax them more deeply. This comfortable feeling naturally continues to relax the sexual, submissive subject as your mind drifts away for the hypnotist.>>


The powerful hypnotist might then tell the subject that he or she is unable to resist the suggestions about to be given. The subject finds that in this state of total relaxation with every breath you breathe, that an acceptance and implementing these suggestions become impossible to resist. You will find that you respond to these suggestions without even thinking about them. They just simply become automatic in your nature and it feels good to follow these suggestions.>>

The completely compelling hypnotist for example might suggest to you: The next time you exhale you will say I obey. Caution is needed to carefully say I obey as you exhale. You would be completely natural to have done this because of your sexual submissive nature. Completely open then, you will reveal anything and everything, impossible then to resist. Even seeing his name as the sender of an email always returns you to this soft, soft and warm state of natural sexual submission. You will not remember doing so as you believed you were good and behaved normally. But, because your mind is so deep and completely soft and relaxed, you will obey without even thinking about it, it will simply just happen.>>


The erotic hypnotist will awaken you soon and usually will make sure that you are unable to remember anything that happened to you. Read Closely, because anything unpleasant or alarming will always be forgotten. However you will still carry about the post hypnotic suggestion that has been given and is lodged deep in your mind, unable to resist.>>

The awakening is another count but this time upwards from one to five.>>

For example:>>

1. Coming up with each number still obeying, aroused by emails, IMs and images.>>

2. Feeling more and more aroused and awake, obeying and now unable to remember the letter. >>

3. Eyes opening and moving around ready to stretch. What letter? Forgotten.>>

4. Wide awake on five, feeling wonderful, natural and rested.>>

5. WIDE AWAKE and feeling great... Ready to carry on with your day.>>

I am so happy that I was able to relay this information about hypnotists that will use your mind as an aroused sexual and submissive toy for their pleasure. They are not all bad, and many good things can be learned from them, but you must give them great care. Do not let this worry you, re-read this closely when you desire and remember I will send you more information as I have for you if you ask.>>

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The Wall

Jun 19 '24
Came in out of curiosity and got tranced in moments. Wonderful experience!
Jul 5 '24
NLP inductions are sooo useful...unless you're a hypnotist yourself...cute --- take care, kids!
Aug 1 '24
I keep re-reading it but not sure what it says
Aug 17 '24
Informative and Interesting thank you
Nov 2 '24
That was so good to read
Nov 15 '24
Interesting article curious about e mail induction.
Nov 29 '24
I did read the article about what to look for in internet covert hypnosis. whatever else you can send to me or tell me will be so beneficial to us. thank you.
Nov 29 '24
Thanks, I appreciate all the good advice and insights.
Yesterday, 09:50PM
I need more information please
Yesterday, 09:57PM
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By hypno_stage
Added Nov 30 '23



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