That first contact was when I was a wee lass of only 17 years old. Just dropped out of University of Chicago, and a daring, sometimes quite adventurous young lady.
I'd had a row with my parents, and as I was quite a fearless one, I took to the streets and headed for the Loop; which is Chi-Town's downtown shopping area, with mischief on my mind.
There was a shop in those days, which went out of business as not quite "fashionable" many decades ago; a Novelty Shop. I used to like visiting it to view the "black light room" with all its psychedelic posters; one of which was a static hypnotic spiral I was sure a medium speed color-wheel light such as was used to illuminate Christmas Trees would illusorily animate while under UV.
(I later found out I was absolutely right about that poster...)
Today, though I normally went right past the Magic Tricks counter as non-interesting a flash of color caught my eye. There was someone who obviously either knew what he was doing with magic, or was a closet contact juggler; as he was quite dextrously moving small red sponge balls around his hands.
I thought "an interesting way to deal with boredom; but what is this?"
The next glass case over, was filled with somewhat ancient books about Hypnotism; most from the old Wiltshire Press. Seeing my interest, the magician wandered over...still juggling his sponge balls!
"Hi there (and darn it; I am hearing him say it can I help you?"
Me: "Perhaps; but first; how do you do that?"
Cheeky"Very Well; Thank You! How can I assist?"
Me: "Tell me please if you know the answer, why every hypnosis book in this case is so bleeding old? The newest thing in there is Harry Arons' Prizewinning Techniques; and even that one is dated."
Owlish double-blink of pure surprise: "So you actually Know something about the Art and Science of Hypnotism?"
Wicked smirk: "Let's just say this: I've just left U of C; where I had the privilege of playing around in the Clinical and Experimental Hypnosis Labs of Dr. Erika Fromm." Knowing that if this was both a magician and any type of serious hypnotist, he would know that name.
"Hypnotist or subject side?" "Subject; however, I can function in either capacity."
"What are you doing for Lunch?" "Nothing as yet." "Oh yes you are; be back here at 5 to noon!"
This is getting too large; and the story can continue with another part...
The Wall