When I started doing erotic hypnosis, I approached it in much the same way some men approach sex--I want to do as much as I can with as many different partners as I can so that I can experience every reaction, every nuance, every possible aspect of hypnosis that I can. I learned a lot from this, had many successes and a few failures, and made some great friends along the way. But in some ways these relationships were self-limiting. I would run a subject through my repertoire, maybe explore a few new things based on her ideas and fantasies, then I would be off to find my next inspiration.
A couple of years ago, something changed. I found my first long term subject. Things started in the usual way with a few tricks, a few fantasies, but there were some differences. First, I found that she was the most easily tranceable subject I'd ever met. I could use any induction on her and it would work. Second, she has grown to trust me implicitly, and I, in turn, have learned where her comfort level is so that I do nothing to jeopardize that trust. Third, she has real life issues that she needs help with, and my hypnosis is helping her with those.
As things progressed, I found that the usual inductions weren't even required anymore. A change in the tone of my voice or a touch of my hand are all she needs to drop deep into a trance. Triggers can be refreshed with a word rather than a full session, and they last indefinitely. Best of all, I KNOW her. I know her mind like it is my own, so I can play in it, soothe it, stimulate it, heal it or simply turn it off for awhile depending on what she needs, and all this is possible with just a few words and touches. It is truly amazing and it is the "Next level" I had been fruitlessly searching for all this time.
I am thankful for all the things I've learned on my journey and I'm sure I still have much more to learn, but I am very grateful to have discovered this aspect of hypnosis that I didn't realize existed.
The Wall