Those words ring through my mind, like bells echoing in the morning air.
For him? I would do anything for him. I would give him my heart, surrender my mind, sacrifice my innermost desires.
When he says those words, my heart leaps and a blanket of warmth wraps around it. My eyes flood over with a blue haze, one that almost blinds me. I normally need to be aware of myself and my thoughts at all times; with him, I allow myself to rest. I trust him. I give him all of me, including my defenses.
There is a rumble to his voice that shakes my soul and leaves my legs like jello. It sends a shock through my system with every word he utters. His voice, oh my god, his voice. It’s like every good memory that I have within my mind is being relived when he speaks. My mouth waters for more of what only he can give me. His eyes pierce into my mind and I feel my own begin to swirl and spiral in response.
The Wall